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Kissa Under the Mistletoe Page 5
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Page 5
He tipped her chin up with his free hand and gazed into her eyes. A faint smile tugged at his lips, and then he brought his mouth down hard on hers. There was nothing gentle in his kiss this time. He plundered her mouth with a fierce hunger, and she met him with equal passion. It roused her blood. Desire flooded her veins, thick and spicy like the Turkish coffee her grandmother use to drink.
As he drove her crazy with his mouth, she twined her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Not a single pound note could fit between their bodies. With a groan, he released her waist, only to move her more fully against the wall, leaving his hands free to stroke her wherever he wanted. With expert fingers, he unbuttoned her jacket and slipped inside to cup her full breast through her knit sweater.
“Lucas,” she whispered against his lips. “We can’t do this in public—”
He cut off her words with another kiss. She moaned low in her throat when his thumb traced over her nipple.
“That’s it, sigh for me. I love the little noises you make when I tease you.” He placed kisses on her cheeks, her eyelids, and her nose. “Yes, love, just like that.”
She laughed breathlessly and pushed his hand away.
“That wasn’t me, Lucas.”
He pulled back and looked down at her in surprise. She gestured over his shoulder. He turned, still holding her in his arms, almost shielding her body with his.
A bobby stood grinning at them in amusement, his hands crossed over his chest. “Not on the street now. Take that back to your flat,” the police officer said sternly, but the twinkle in his eyes belied the seriousness of his tone.
“Yes, Officer, we shall.” Lucas dropped his hands from her body and moved back.
She worked on buttoning her coat up all the while trying not to laugh. It had been years since she’d gotten busted making out.. It made her feel like a teenager again.
“We just got a little too into the Christmas spirit, Officer. I’ll make sure he behaves from now on.” She smiled at the bobby while slipping her arm into Lucas’s.
The man nodded and tipped his hat. “Happy Christmas,” he said before walking away.
“Come on, Professor. Show me the library before you get us in trouble with the Queen or something. I don’t need MI6 after me.” Kissa tugged Lucas in the direction of the library. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his neck. He shook his head, laughing.
“When we get back to the hotel, I’m stripping those clothes from you and having myself some Christmas cheer. Maybe I’ll give you your present early.”
She wrapped her arms around his waist and stepped up on her tiptoes. Placing a kiss to his lips, she enjoyed the intake of breath as she teased him for a brief moment.
“What present?”
“Wait and see, chicken. It’s a surprise.” He flashed her a wicked grin before they continued down the street to the British Library.
Kissa shivered in anticipation. She needed to up her game if she was going to get the jump on Lucas. When they got back to the hotel, she intended to call her friend, Ahmed. Her plan to treat Lucas to dinner and a belly dance would be a night he would never forget.
Lucas watched the wonder on Kissa’s beautiful face the minute they passed security and entered the library. A large tiled entryway with big windows to let in the light greeted them. Kissa looked over everything as a child would when confronted with a wondrous world. He knew she’d understand why he wanted to show her this. Leaving him behind, she strolled to the metal sculpture resting off to one side. It was a book spread open, its pages splayed to be used as a bench, but with a ball and chain manacling it in place. The beautiful piece had been done by K. Bavisi.
“Have you never been here before, chicken?” he asked, coming to stand near her and the sculpture.
“Once or twice when I was younger. I actually haven’t been back to London in about ten years.” She touched the cool metal of the sculpture’s “pages.”
“Well come on then, you must see the Shakespeare Folio and the Beatles’ handwritten lyrics sheets.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the lobby area.
Looking up, she looked around the interior of the library.. A single staircase led to the higher floors, but Lucas took her past that, laughing like a kid, until they reach a doorway off to the left side.
The room was filled with hushed conversations as people peered into glass-covered cases and wall displays. Lucas stopped just beside the doorway and seemingly drank it all in. He squeezed her hand whether by accident or by design she didn’t know.
“Haven’t been here in a bit. Always amazes me,” he said as he looked down at her with a smile on his lips. “Lots of wonderful artifacts to see.”
She shook her head in amusement. Cute. That was the only word to describe him in moments like this. Always so straitlaced, proper, and stoic when he was teaching, the sight of classic literature reduced him to an incredibly articulate six-year-old. But now, with her, roaming the streets of London, he was almost a different man completely. Her Lucas, not the one the students were on the receiving end of at the University, all but danced around the library.
He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close as they stood beside one of the display cases.
“Here it is. Shakespeare’s First Folio. It is just gorgeous.”
“Yes, Professor, it is,” Kissa said as she snuggled in closer to him, peering into the case. The book was rather pretty but didn’t hold the same wonder for her as it did Lucas. Not that she’d tell him. She couldn’t burst his bubble.
“You’re gorgeous, too,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck.
“Thank you.” She shivered.
“Listen, I need to step out and make a phone call. You go ahead and look. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she said, disengaging herself from his hold.
He cocked his head to one side with a quizzical expression on his face. She rose up onto her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to his mouth.
“Don’t worry. It’s a surprise for you. Trust me. You’ll enjoy it.” She winked at him before turning on her heel and heading out into the main part of the library. Pulling her cellphone from her purse, she went outside to make her call. It rang a few times before someone finally answered, just long enough for her to need to jump up and down some to stay warm in the chilly winter air.
“Darya Persian Cuisine. This is Rebecca. How may I serve you?”
“Hi, Rebecca, I was wondering if Ahmed is around. I’m an old friend.” Kissa danced from one foot to the other in an effort to get the blood circulating. She hoped her friend was there and would be receptive to her request.
“One moment, I’ll check. Your name please?”
“Kissa Nazir.”
She glanced at the glass doors of the library, knowing Lucas was likely still immersed in the collection. Hopefully, he’d stay that way until she was finished with her call. She didn’t really want him being nosey. This dinner was to be a surprise—if she could get L to go along.
“Kissa, angel, it’s been years. How are you? How’s the family?”
She found herself smiling in genuine pleasure at the sound of Ahmed’s voice. It was so familiar she could almost picture him in her mind.
“Good, Ahmed. They’re wonderful to be honest. How are you and yours?”
“Amazing! What do I owe the honor of your call, my sister of twins?”
Kissa laughed at his comment. It was always fun when someone understood the meaning of her name, especially someone who knew she was one for three.
“I’m in town, and I was wondering if I could bring a friend and some of his family to dinner,” she said, pausing to take a deep breath, “and maybe dance for the customers…and him.”
“Of course. I’d be delighted to have you. When would you like to come in?”
“How about tomorrow? We don’t have anything planned with his family, so this will be the perfect night for it.”
“Wonderful. I shall put you down for seven? How many
in the party?”
“Put down six, but it will probably be only four.”
“Done, my angel. I’ll give you one of our best tables by the dance floor. Can you come in later this afternoon so I can have one of my staff show you the back room for changing?
“Of course, I’ll stop in around two or three-ish.”
“Wonderful! I’ll have Rebecca or Elise made aware of your arrival. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Perfect. Thanks, Ahmed. See you then.”
Kissa tucked the phone back into her purse and headed into the library once more, a big smile on her face. Now all she needed to do was stop at one of the local costume shops for something to wear when she danced.
She slipped back into the exhibit room and scanned the area for Lucas. He had his long body hunched over a glass display case holding some bibles. She caught sight of the colorful, gilded pages as she sidled up to him, sliding an arm around his waist and resting her palm on the small of his back.
He straightened, smiling at her as he did. He pulled her close, brushing his chin against the top of her head.
“We’re having dinner tomorrow at a friend’s restaurant. No arguments.”
“You’ll have none from me, then. Now, just look at these.”
Chapter Nine
Kissa left Lucas taking a nap in the hotel room and headed out into London once more. They’d returned to the hotel after a lunch with his family. She found herself being charmed by the Slate clan more and more. Convincing his parents to join them at Darya tomorrow was not as hard as Kissa had thought it would be. Margaret had jumped at the chance to try something new and exotic to her. John just smiled and did as his wife bid. Kissa found the pair adorable.
Lucas was so seductive in his request for her to join him on the bed she’d almost stayed for the fun and games he suggested. He’d given her a playful pout before telling her to be on her way. But she was a woman on a mission. Nothing in her suitcases would work properly for dancing tonight, and she needed everything to be perfect.
Digging into the front pocket of her jeans, she grabbed for the paper with the directions on it and pulled it out, giving it a glance over. She’d asked Margaret about the best shop for what she needed, and the woman had written everything down in neat handwriting. Kissa took an instant liking to the older woman, and she hoped Margaret felt the same about her.
The Mind the Gap warning sounded, and the tube train doors opened. Kissa shouldered her bag a little tighter and stepped out onto the platform like a seasoned Londoner. Even though born in London, the last time she’d been in the city New Kids on the Block still ruled the pop charts. She’d almost forgotten how much she loved it. The hustle and bustle. The sound of the taxis. The clink of the glasses in pubs. The city was electric, and she soaked up every bit of it. Promising herself to make the effort to visit more often, Kissa exited the tube stop into the sunny London afternoon.
The first shop on her list was only a few blocks from the tube station. Kissa had no trouble finding it from the directions provided by Lucas’s mom.
She unwrapped the scarf from around her neck as soon as she stepped inside. The store was warm and toasty against the winter chill. Glancing around, she knew Margaret sent her to the perfect shop. Racks of silks in every jewel tone in creation beckoned her. Veils, hip scarves, and shawls hung from the walls or littered display cases. Tikas, zills, and coin belts rested under the glass of those same display cases. From what Kissa could see on her cursory glance around the shop, only high-quality dancing gear lined the walls and rounders.
A lanky mannequin draped in a sizzling purple cabaret-style gown. A veil of matching silk was held in permanent twirl between the hands. That color would look amazing on Desari but not Kissa. It would bring out the violet of her sister’s eyes. Kissa needed something different. Something special.
“Afternoon. How may I help you?” A pretty salesgirl, likely all of twenty-one, appeared from behind all the racks like magic. Kissa studied her a moment, the girl’s face somewhat familiar, but she couldn’t place it.
“Yes, actually you can. I’m going to be doing some dancing later at a friend’s restaurant, but I haven’t brought any of my costumes with me.”
“What style are you dancing in?”
Kissa thought a moment, trying to decide which would have the best impact on Lucas. She looked around once more, taking in all the colors and styles. In an instant she knew.
“Traditional Raqs Sharqi. Do you have anything in a deep red or burgundy, maybe with a silver trim?”
The salesgirl nodded before darting into the back room.. Kissa wandered around a bit, eyeing the many colors of the silks and fabrics around the store. Just outside, the sun that was there moments ago had been replaced by a gray-cloud-filled sky. But that didn’t stop the beauty of the merchandise from continuing to shine. Kissa felt at home once more. She loved to dance. It was amazing how little time she got to indulge in her passion.. When had she let her life get so out of control she’d forgotten all the things she loved. Her dancing, traveling, spending time being silly with Lucas. This trip shaped up to be an eye-opener in more ways than one.
“Here we are,” the salesgirl said as she reappeared, her arms laden with fabric.
Smiling, Kissa reached out to touch the proffered costume.. The color was a rich burgundy that looked almost black at times in the light. Silver threads shot through the material, making it shimmer and shine. If it fit her fuller figure, the costume would be perfect. Lucas wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off her when she danced. A shiver of excitement raced up her spine.
“This looks amazing. Do you have a place for me to try it on?”
“Follow me.” The salesgirl led her to a dressing room area off to one side of the store. “Call me if you require some assistance. I’m Jasmine, like the Disney princess,” she added with a little laugh.
Kissa laugh along with her as she pulled the curtain closed on the room, shutting out the rest of the world.
Slipping out of her clothes, she set them aside before pulling on the skirt of the costume. It hung low on her hips, and Kissa knew if she added a chain belt it would give just the right amount of shimmy when she needed it. Next came the bra top. Kissa surveyed herself with a critical eye. She wanted to be smoking hot and not so much like a sausage shoved into a too-small casing. Her breasts seemed ready to spring out of the top with any deep breath.
Placing a hand to her cleavage in a vain effort to cover it, she opened the curtain with the other and called for Jasmine.
“Do you have this top in a bigger size? One back bend and the whole restaurant will get an eyeful.”
Jasmine’s smiled, obviously holding back laughter and nodded. “Let me check.”
While she waited, Kissa examined the fit of the skirt and let her mind wander. The whisper of the silk against her legs reminded her of Lucas’s hands this morning in the shower. Despite his academic job, his hands had been calloused and felt incredible on her skin. Her face grew warmer as the memories came flooding back. What would it be like to make love to Lucas in a bed? Sure, she’d had him against the shower wall and almost against a building wall, but in a huge bed in the hotel, it would be heaven. His big body stretched out over hers as he thrust deep inside her over and over until she cried out his name. What would it be like to come home to him after a long day of work?
Lost in her thoughts, she jumped in surprise when Jasmine returned, a new bra top in her hands.
“Here we go,” she said, holding out the item. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. Where did you say you were dancing tonight?”
“Darya. My friend owns the restaurant.” Kissa took the top with a grin and slipped back into the dressing room, shutting the curtain between them.
“I love that place. You’ll like the dance floor. It is situated in the center of the dining tables. There is perfect access for you to hit just about everyone when you dance.” Jasmine’s voice floated into the sma
ll space, muffled slightly but the fabric separator.
“Do you dance?”
“Sometimes. I do this and dance on the side. It’s what I do to pay the bills for university.” A bell chimed in the background. “I’ll be right back if you need any further assistance.”
Kissa liked the girl but was relieved to see her go for even a few moments. She wiggled into the top and then stepped back, checking out the fit of the costume in the floor-length mirror. The color of the silks set off the rich olive of her skin and the silver threads racing through the material turned her eyes to mercury. Yanking her hair free from the ponytail she’d put it in before leaving the hotel, Kissa let the long strands cascade around her shoulders and bare arms.
Snapping a picture on her phone, she quickly texted it to Desari. She knew her sister would tell her truthfully if she carried a little too much in the extra-baggage department for such a skimpy outfit. Although, Lucas didn’t seemed to mind the few pounds she carried around her middle and hips this morning in the shower or last night on the pool table for that matter.
Her phone beeped and she bit her lip, a moment of trepidation sweeping over her. What if Desari didn’t like the costume? Then she’d be forced to start all over and, frankly, she wanted to finish her shopping and head back to the hotel. Maybe she’d catch Lucas sleeping still and snuggle in next to him as a surprise.
She scanned her sister’s response and grinned. Never one to mince words, Desari simply replied with a thumbs-up icon. Kissa was set.
After stopping at Darya to scope out the backstage room for changing, Kissa left her costume there and headed to finish her shopping. A quick stop at the specialty lingerie shop she’d read about online and she was back at the hotel.
As she pressed the elevator button, idly swinging her bag against her leg, she smiled to herself. She felt giddy as a teenager with her first crush. It had been so long since she’d been attracted to someone, laughed with someone, wanted someone as much as she did Lucas. Her fear of losing the best friend she’d ever had originally stopped her from being with him. Now she was glad he’d made the suggestion to indulge themselves over the holiday. She planned to give in to all her cravings for Lucas’s amazing body for as long as she could. Who knew what would happen the minute they boarded the plane back to the States.